How Do Adult and Child Orthodontics Differ?

child orthodontics

Advancements in adult and child orthodontics have triggered a rise in adults seeking treatment for oral challenges they have had for years. When deciding to pursue orthodontic treatment, understanding the differences between adult and child orthodontics can help you decide what type of treatment is right for you. Everyone should want their best smile. Feeling confident about your teeth and smile is essential for healthy self-esteem and confidence. You can achieve both of those benefits with braces.


Benefits of Braces

For years, braces have helped millions of people receive a more beautiful smile. About 4 million Americans on average each year are wearing braces. You may think that braces are mostly for teenagers, but you may be surprised to know that about 25% of braces wearers are actually adults. A large portion of those 4 million are also children. Braces benefit people of all ages and it’s never too late to get your own set. Why are braces so important? Straighter teeth keep the mouth in proper alignment and help even out the pressure placed on the jaw each time you talk, bite, eat and more. When the teeth are straighter, they are easier to clean, especially to floss in between the teeth. This is why people with straighter teeth have a reduced risk for oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.


Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

The biggest oral health problems are tooth decay and gum disease. These problems come from lack of good oral hygiene habits. If you skip on brushing and flossing the teeth (or not doing them enough) you may start to have problems. When food sits on the teeth, the sugars from the food you ate (or drank) mix with bacteria in the mouth. This mixture creates a sticky acidic substance called plaque. That plaque works hard to erode your tooth enamel. If it sits on the teeth long enough without being cleaned through brushing or flossing, it will seep into the center of your tooth, called the pulp. This is where that acidic plaque will start to decay your tooth. If left untreated, the problem can become severe. Tooth decay is the most wide-spread childhood disease.


Gum disease is similar to tooth decay, but it has to do with the gums. Plaque is not your friend in this case either. When it sits on the teeth for too long, it can irritate the gums. You may notice your gums begin to turn more red and they may become inflamed. Over time, if good oral hygiene habits are not established, the gums will begin to recede from the teeth. This can eventually cause the teeth to begin falling out. About 64.7 million American adults suffer from some form of gum disease. That’s not even including the number for children! Even though tooth decay and gum disease are so wide-spread, they can both be prevented by brushing and flossing several times a day and by establishing and keeping good oral hygiene habits.

Child Orthodontics

One area we specialize in is child orthodontics. A large portion of the people that wear braces are children. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that children have their first orthodontic visit between ages 7 and 8. Having an examination early-on helps prevent the progression of orthodontic issues that may be present. In children, we can detect certain orthodontic problems—such as underbite or crossbite—that are present. These problems can be fixed with child orthodontics and other bite and alignment problems such as overbite, openbite and malocclusion. The jaw is still forming in children, so performing child orthodontics at this age can help easily correct problems that are harder to deal with as an adult. Even if your child does not show any signs or symptoms of orthodontic complications, you can still benefit from child orthodontics. Some benefits include:

  • Monitoring the facial and jaw development
  • Observing the progress of incoming teeth
  • Guiding incoming teeth into their proper positions
  • Reducing the risk of impacted teeth
  • Decreasing the risk for permanent tooth extractions
  • Detecting hidden dental issues


Adult Orthodontics

Adult and child orthodontics are very similar. However, it often takes longer to correct bite and alignment problems in adults than it does children or teenagers. This is because the jaw and mouth has stopped growing by adulthood. If bite or alignment problems are severe, an adult may have to look into receiving surgery to correct the problem. Adults also have a few more options when it comes to what kind of braces they would like. Adults and teenagers have the option to choose these types of braces besides traditional metal braces:

  • Lingual Braces – These are also known as “Incognito” braces. They are a hidden braces apparatus on the tongue-side of your teeth. Worn on the inside, no one will even know you are wearing braces.
  • Invisalign Transparent Aligners – This is a series of removable transparent aligners that are custom-made for your teeth. They can be removed for activities such as eating, drinking, sports and more. Because they are transparent, they are also a secret way for adults and teenagers to discreetly straighten their teeth.
  • Clear Ceramic Braces – Made of ceramic material, these braces fit in with the color of your natural teeth. Ceramic material helps reduce the risk for demineralization and staining.


Your New Smile

Whether you are an adult or child, it’s never too late to improve your smile! For people of all ages, a straight smile boosts confidence and self esteem. For adults, that new smile of yours could help you land a job. Studies have also shown that straighter smiles make you appear more confident, successful, attractive and even more trustworthy to others. The benefits of braces are just too good to pass up! If you would like a new smile today, call our Belmar Orthodontics office at (303) 225-9016!

August 4, 2017|

Invisalign Transparent Aligners or Metal Braces?

transparent aligners

Woman wearing orthodontic silicone trainer. Invisible braces

We offer many different straightening methods at Belmar Orthodontics including Invisalign transparent aligners and traditional metal braces. In the past, traditional metal brackets were the only option for teeth straightening around. With the advancement of technology, we are now able to align the teeth with transparent aligners that work just as well as metal brackets. What are the differences between aligners and metal brackets? Which option is better for you when it comes to choosing between the two? We can answer all of your questions about Invisalign aligners and traditional metal braces and help you find the right straightening method for you.


Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces are also known as “traditional” braces? Why? They’ve been around for decades and have proven time and time again that they work. Years ago they became the go-to option for orthodontic care and have stood the test of time. There have been tweaks here and there to make metal braces more modern, but overall, not much has changed. They are still the most popular option for braces among teenagers and the most economical choice for orthodontic care.


Metal braces consist of metal square brackets that are attached to the center of each tooth with a special type of bonding glue. This glue is strong enough that the brackets stay bonded to your teeth, but also versatile enough that the glue can be removed once treatment has come to an end. Metal braces have a thin wire that connects and goes through each bracket on the upper and lower jaw. In total, you will have two wires. These are known as “archwires” and they create an arch in your mouth that follows the natural curve of the jaw. Over time, these archwires will move the teeth into proper place so that they make the perfect, straight arch on the upper and lower jaw.


What Are Invisalign Transparent Aligners?

If you’ve looked into options for orthodontic care, you may already be familiar with Invisalign. This treatment option is a series of transparent aligners that slowly mold your teeth into proper position over time. Your doctor will scan your teeth using a digital scanning system that will then create 3D images of your teeth. You will then receive custom-made aligners made from Invisalign’s SmartTrack material. This material is transparent yet strong. The clear, removable design of these aligners renders this orthodontic treatment virtually invisible to others.


The best part is that Invisalign works well just like traditional metal braces do for shaping your smile. Simply change out your transparent aligners ever 1-2 weeks and watch how your smile changes over time. Adults and teenagers alike love this option for orthodontic care because of their ease of use Patients can eat, drink, and clean their teeth with ease. These aligners must be worn the majority of the day, but can be removed when needed for certain activities. Invisalign transparent aligners are more costly than metal braces, but you gain the benefits of easy use and cleaning, and the ability to straighten your teeth in secret.


Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontic care is not only for teenagers. About 25% of all braces wearers are adults, which is a higher percentage than it’s been in the past. Why is this? In decades and years past, people only had one choice when it came to braces: traditional metal braces. Some adults and teenagers avoid receiving braces although their smile needs them. Why? Because they don’t like the look of braces or they feel they are unattractive, distracting, or childish. Studies actually show that braces are quite the luxury to have. However, modern-day orthodontics offer treatment options everyone can be comfortable with.


Your Options

Options for orthodontic care include both traditional metal braces and Invisalign transparent aligners, but you can also choose

  • Ceramic Braces – These are the same size and shape as metal braces. They function similarly to traditional metal brackets but they use ceramic brackets that are made to match the color of your teeth. Many patients love this cosmetic benefit of blending the braces to the teeth. Even the archwire can be made white! The ceramic has been shown to be much more resistant to staining and helps protect your smile from demineralization.
  • Lingual Braces – Lingual braces are an amazing alternative to traditional metal braces. Lingual braces are a close cousin to metal braces. They actually look quite the same, except for the fact that the braces run along the inside of the teeth next to the tongue. You can achieve the same results as traditional orthodontics in a manner that is inconspicuous and undetectable. Dr. Hardy will make a custom mold of your teeth so that custom metal pieces can be made for each tooth back. These will then be attached snug to the inside of the tooth along with the brackets. An archwire will complete the braces and you can begin to experience the straightening power of lingual braces.


Keep Your Smile Straight

It’s never too late to correct orthodontic conditions you have. The benefits of adult orthodontics include: faster treatment time than former techniques, more discreet treatment options, correction of dental issues, increased confidence and even increased self esteem. When it comes to starting your journey to a straighter smile, we have options for you! To see if you are a great fit for ceramic braces or Incognito lingual braces, contact our Belmar Orthodontics office today at (303) 225-9016 for your free consultation. A straighter smile is just one call away!


July 29, 2017|

Straightening through Temporary Anchorage Devices

Temporary Anchorage Devices

What are temporary anchorage devices and what can they do for you? Not all of our patients receive TADs for their teeth, but the ones that do greatly benefit from their straightening power. TADS are small titanium screws we use to help our our patients move their teeth. We place the screw in the gum and jaw bone and it acts as an anchor point for the teeth. We specialize in many methods of teeth straightening such as traditional braces, Invisalign, lingual braces and more, but also employ the use of TADs as needed to give our patients an exceptional smile. They can even aid in creating quicker tooth movement in our patients to achieve the desired straightening effect that is needed. Learn more about all of our straightening methods and which one is right for you. If you need TADs, you can trust in our expertise and finesse with giving you a straightening experience you will enjoy at Belmar Orthodontics.


The Advancement of Orthodontics

Orthodontics has come a long way from the crude methods of straightening practiced centuries ago. Extensive headgear and wires were used to straighten the teeth in the past. We benefit today from advanced technology that allows us many options when it comes to straightening the teeth, even discrete options. Temporary anchorage devices (TADs) are one of the methods we employ at Belmar Orthodontics when it’s in the best interest of the patient. Temporary anchorage devices work with braces to get your teeth straighter, faster. How do they work though?


Tidbits About Temporary Anchorage Devices

Temporary anchorage devices help shift the teeth into a straighter position when braces can’t do the job on their own. Braces are usually sufficient for most patients, but we want all of our patients to benefit from amazing, straight smiles and because of this we use TADs to get them all the way there. TADs consist of small, titanium mini-screws called “mini-implants” or “micro-implants”. These implants are fixed objects that braces use to push, pull, lift or intrude teeth while straightening. Just think of them as anchor points that are amazing tools for braces to get your teeth straighter. Once inserted, TADs do not move, but Dr. Hardy is able to use them to move the teeth in directions and distances that were not previously possible. 


How Do They Work?

Temporary anchorage devices are installed quite easy, much like other orthodontic options. You have to be a good candidate for TADs to receive them. This means free of gum disease and you need a strong jaw. Your gum tissue and jaw area will be numbed much like they are numbed at a dental office before a procedure. Then Dr. Hardy will insert the tiny metal screws in areas that will help your teeth to move the most. The insertion process will be completely painless. Adjustment to TADs might take a day or two. The adjustment process should be no different than adjusting to metal braces. Adjusting to any type of straightening device takes time. We will remove the TADs once your teeth have moved into proper place. It’s literally that easy.


Traditional Straightening Options

We have many options for straightening instead of solely relying on traditional metal braces. We’ll still include metal braces on our list though:

  • Traditional Braces – These are the standard metal braces that we all know and love. The great thing about “traditional” braces is that they are traditional for a reason. They are strong and highly effective with moving the teeth. Most of our patients get to dress up their brackets with a variety of colors at each visit too. This is usually the most cost-effective option when it comes to straightening the teeth.
  • Ceramic Braces – These are basically your traditional metal braces, except for the fact that they can be made white to match the color of your teeth. The wires and brackets are both made white so they are virtually unnoticeable in your mouth. Ceramic braces are made of ceramic material. Ceramic is harder to stain and easier to clean than metal.


Discreet Straightening Options

Want a straight smile without others knowing? Try lingual braces or Invisalign!

  • Lingual Braces – Take a step up from traditional and ceramic braces with lingual braces. These braces are called “incognito” braces because they do just that—go incognito! We customize lingual braces to the shape of your teeth. We then attach them behind the teeth instead of in front. You’ll receive all the strength and functionality of metal braces without the visibility. 
  • InvisalignInvisalign is perhaps the most discreet form of teeth straightening. These transparent, removable aligners are perfect for teens and adults who want a straighter smile and don’t have bite problems. You will receive customizable aligners that change every few weeks so that the teeth are constantly falling into a straighter position. Oral care is easier, you can remove them at your leisure, and you will come out in the end with a straight smile—which is what we all want!


If you ever need to have TADs, just know that you are going to be having a powerful straightening experience that usually takes less time than it otherwise would to receive your beautiful, straight smile. We could all benefit from a little more time, right? To learn more about all your straightening options, call our Belmar Orthodontics office today at (303) 225-9016!

June 16, 2017|
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