The mouth, the insides of the cheeks and lips, the lower and upper gums, the front two-thirds of the tongue, the area behind the tongue, the small space behind the wisdom teeth, and the roof of the mouth are all part of the oral cavity. It holds the teeth and tongue and gets saliva from the salivary glands.
Where is the Oral Cavity Located?
The oral cavity is in the front of the face, right below the nasal cavities. It has a roof, a floor, and side walls.
What is the Oral Cavity Comprised of?
There are two parts to the oral cavity:
- The space between the cheeks or lips and the teeth is called the oral vestibule.
- both the oral cavity and the space between the teeth
What is the Oral Cavity’s Purpose?
The digestive process starts mostly in the mouth. Before swallowing, it mixes the food with saliva in order to absorb and break down the food.
How Big is the Oral Cavity?
A man’s oral cavity can hold an average of 71.2 ml, while a woman’s oral cavity can only hold 55.4 ml.
Why is the Oral Cavity Important?
The mouth is important for quickly taking in and digesting food and water, making speech, and breathing well. Most of the things in the mouth, like the teeth, break and crush food into small pieces to help the body digest it.
What is the Oral Cavity proper?
The mouth proper is covered by the lining mucosa, which includes the cheeks, lips, floor of the mouth, alveolar mucosal surface, inferior surface, masticatory mucosa (hard palate and gingiva), and specialized mucosa (back of the tongue).
What is meant by areas of the Oral Cavity?
The parts of the mouth match the codes that are used to describe the dental service.