Lingual Braces vs. Invisalign: Which Is Better?

Young woman looking towards the side of the room with a smile on her face.

As modern technology has advanced, so have the opportunities to straighten teeth in a multitude of ways. Because of this, lingual braces and Invisalign have become popular options for orthodontic care due to their discretion and near-invisibility. While lingual braces have brackets and wires attached to the backside of the teeth, Invisalign offers braces-free care with the use of clear, removable aligners. Both options have their pros and cons, and should be chosen upon an individual’s needs and wants. Find out whether lingual braces or Invisalign is the best option for your orthodontic needs with this guide!


What Are Lingual Braces?

Millions of teenagers and adults have braces put on each year, and most pick the traditional metal braces that we’re all so used to seeing. However, traditional braces can be bulky, annoying and embarrassing for teenagers and adults alike, and many patients feel like they’re distracting. Lingual braces are another option for patients who prefer invisible treatment over big, bulky braces, plus they can achieve the same straight, beautiful teeth that other treatments provide. Instead of wearing braces on the outside of teeth, lingual braces attach the brackets and wires to the backside (lingual side) of teeth for an inconspicuous and nearly-invisible treatment. Other than aesthetic concerns, patients opt in for lingual braces as they make it easier to play wind instruments, such as the flute or tuba, and they’re more functional for athletes that play contact sports. However, not every orthodontic office offers lingual braces; orthodontists have to complete specialized training to be able to install lingual braces, so you’ll have to do your research to find out who in your area is qualified to perform treatment.


Additionally, lingual braces can take longer to get used to since they’re on the backside of your teeth, close to your tongue. They can make swallowing more difficult as the tongue can’t thrust between your teeth as easily as it could before. Patients also have to have long enough teeth to provide enough room for the braces to be glued onto them, so children and those with small teeth typically don’t qualify for this type of treatment. Lastly, treatment time is usually longer with lingual braces than traditional braces. The entire process depends on your orthodontist and how well you take care of your teeth during treatment, so treatment time varies from patient to patient.


How Invisalign WorksYoung woman smiling while holding an Invisalign aligner in front of her

Another option for patients who prefer invisible orthodontic care is Invisalign, which uses clear, removable aligners to fix malocclusion over a period of several months or years. Some patients highly dislike the look of metal braces, lingual or not, and Invisalign offers them the care they need without having to sacrifice their confidence at work or social events. Many enjoy Invisalign because its unique treatment allows them to remove their orthodontic device during eating, drinking, flossing and brushing, making these daily activities much more manageable. They let you eat all of your favorite foods, you can’t break a wire or bracket, oral hygiene isn’t hindered and they’re virtually invisible.


Wearing Invisalign retainers does take time, effort and patience, however. One aligner is worn for one to two weeks before replacing it with the next one in line. You’ll have a checkup every six to eight weeks to monitor your teeth and receive a new batch of aligners to wear for the next several weeks. During this time, Invisalign aligners need to be worn for 20-22 hours of the day, which is a huge commitment for busy people. Aligners also need to be carefully washed and cleaned with a toothbrush each night to keep bacteria from growing. Since they’re removable, Invisalign aligners can be easily lost, misplaced or broken by a fall or child, so extreme care will be necessary to keep them intact.


Making A Choice

Both lingual braces and Invisalign are viable options for patients who want orthodontic care that is undetectable and discreet, but whichever you choose is up to you and your orthodontic needs. The first step that you’ll need to take is to visit with your orthodontist for an evaluation of your teeth and to discuss which of the two would work best for your wants and needs, plus the orthodontist’s recommendation. Remember that while Invisalign is a great option for those who want to take their orthodontic care into their own hands, it requires extreme responsibility and care for the aligners you’ll be using. Lingual braces, on the other hand, will always remain in your mouth, so you won’t need to worry about losing anything like you do with Invisalign, but flossing and brushing can be more difficult as you’ll have to do it all from the backside of your teeth. Your choice should be based on what you are willing and not willing to do during treatment, so do your research on both options to be fully informed on what to expect.


Schedule Your Consultation

To be evaluated for lingual braces or Invisalign, call Belmar Orthodontics at (303) 233-2445 to schedule a consultation. Our team is qualified and experienced at installing both lingual braces and Invisalign, plus we can give you extra tips on how to keep your teeth brilliant and healthy during treatment. Call today to start your journey to a more beautiful smile!

July 18, 2019|

Does Your Child Really Need Braces?

Young girl smiling and wearing braces

We typically get our braces put on during our teenage to adult years, but how do you know whether your young child should have braces or not? Child orthodontics is a common practice for those children struggling with crooked, overlapping, or overcrowded teeth, or a misaligned jaw. There are many advantages for children as they receive braces earlier on in life as it can prevent future orthodontic treatment and guide incoming teeth into the proper position. Learn how to recognize whether your child needs braces through these tips!


When To Start

Young kids go through a lot of physical changes during adolescence, and some of those changes include jaw and teeth development. Orthodontics has become more and more common in young children to adjust certain orthodontic issues that occasionally occur as a child develops. Traditionally, orthodontic treatment begins once a child has lost most of their baby (primary) teeth and a majority of their permanent teeth have grown in, which typically occurs between the ages of 8 and 14. Even though braces is recommended at this age, it is a good idea to get an orthodontic evaluation for your child by the time they turn 7 years old; at this age, an orthodontist is able to detect early symptoms of orthodontic problems, such as an underbite or crossbite, which can cause severe complications and more treatment later on if left untreated at an early age. Bones are still growing during this age, so it is an ideal time to meet with an orthodontist to monitor bone and jaw development while evaluating any apparent orthodontic issues.


Advantages of Child Orthodontics

Although child orthodontics is only necessary if there are physical developmental issues within the mouth, receiving orthodontic treatment as a child has certain advantages. Visiting an orthodontist at an early age allows for observation of incoming teeth and reduces the risk of impacted teeth as your child loses their baby teeth and their permanent teeth take their place. As the orthodontist monitors your child’s teeth, they can help guide their teeth into the correct position as soon as they begin erupting, usually through braces or other orthodontic devices that help move teeth into the correct positions. Regular orthodontic visits also decrease the risk of hidden dental issues and permanent tooth extractions, as it allows for the orthodontist to adjust the jaw so that teeth crowding doesn’t occur.


Child orthodontics doesn’t always imply braces. Since a child’s jaw and teeth are still growing, many orthodontic issues, such as crowding, can be addressed before complications occur later on during adolescence. In this case, orthodontic treatment in young children is known as interceptive orthodontics. Many times, a child’s dental arch may be too small to fit all of their teeth. Just a few decades ago, it was a common practice to simply remove some permanent teeth to make space in the mouth. Now, though, child orthodontics can avoid this through the use of a palatal expander that expands the child’s upper dental arch, which allows adult teeth to emerge in a better position. Interceptive orthodontics can speed up the process of aligning teeth into the proper position and cause future treatment to be shorter and less involved.


How Much Does It CostTransparent dental orthodontic aligner

If braces are fit too early on a child, treatment can take longer and be more expensive. For this reason, it’s important to have regular orthodontic visits to monitor tooth and jaw development to ensure that whenever your child receives braces, it’s at the correct time. The braces that your orthodontist recommends will depend on your child’s type of problem that he or she has. There are three types of braces that most children will receive, and they each have different advantages and disadvantages:


  • Traditional metal braces – Have steel ties holding the wires between the brackets in place. Cost is driven by what your orthodontist will charge for treatment, including multiple office visits.
  • Damon braces – Do not have steel ties, but the brackets themselves hold the wires in place. Typically more expensive and can cost up to $8,000, but you pay for less dental appointments since the braces are self-ligating.
  • Invisalign (or other clear or removable aligners) – Fit over the child’s teeth similar to a mouthguard. Your child will receive a number of aligners during the duration of their treatment, so cost is determined by the amount of aligners needed to achieve correction.


Just like adult orthodontics, child orthodontics can cost anywhere between $3,000 and $8,000, depending on what level of correction your child needs. If your child needs to have teeth extracted or be fitted for other appliances, the cost will most likely go up, as well. The way your child complies to orthodontic treatment will also affect the cost. Make sure that they are brushing and flossing everyday so as to avoid tooth decay, which will increase the cost of treatment as your dentist will have to treat around the braces to fix the decay.


Is It Necessary?

As mentioned before, whether your child needs braces or not at an earlier age is dependent upon their mouth structure and how their teeth form. For more information about child orthodontics or if you’re interested in scheduling a consultation, contact Belmar Orthodontics at (303) 233-2445!. Our experienced and highly trained orthodontic staff offers a variety of orthodontic treatments and technology so that you can be confident your children are receiving the best care available.


February 15, 2019|

Orthodontic Treatment as Restorative Dentistry

Blonde woman smiling and pointing to her mouth to emphasize her straight teeth.

Did you know that getting your teeth straightened can be a form of restorative dentistry? This is because restorative dentistry seeks to restore or bring your smile to a more perfect state. Crooked teeth can become straight, which in turn starts to relieve the burdens of tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath and other oral health problems. If you want to restore your smile once more, see what our 4 different orthodontic options can do for you!


Why Is Your Smile Important?

Some patients don’t realize just how important a smile really is. Studies show that your smile is one of the first things another person will notice about you. Is that smile showing that you are healthy and confident? Or do you hide your smile because of crooked teeth, discoloration or other aspects you don’t like? When a smile looks good, studies show that people often feel more confident and they exude that confidence much easier. A better smile can lead a person to be more social and confident to pursue successful endeavors.


It’s not only what a smile does for a person themself that’s important. How your smile looks to others also will determine a lot about how successful you are. The makes of the orthodontic appliance Invisalign conducted a study about smiles, and what they found was quite amazing:

  • 1/3rd of people notice a person’s smile before any other feature.
  • Those who have a straighter, more beautiful smile are 45% more likely to get a job over a competitor with a crooked or discolored smile.
  • Your smile can send messages about how healthy you are and how happy you seem. When that smile is straighter and more beautiful, others will see you as 21% more likely to be healthier and 47% happier.
  • 73% of people are more likely to trust you at first glance if you have a better smile.
  • You’re 58% more likely to be perceived as wealthy and 57% more likely to get a date if you have a great smile.


Brunette woman smiling and holding transparent orthodontic aligners.

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Your teeth will determine most of how good your oral health. When you eat, sugars in the food you eat mix with mouth bacteria. That creates plaque, or that sticky, acidic substance that coats your teeth. Over time, if proper oral hygiene habits aren’t observed, the teeth will change colors and decay. This happens much easier to the teeth if they are crooked. That’s because it’s harder to clean between the teeth if there is no way to get floss through crooked teeth.


Restorative dentistry seeks to restore smiles that are crooked or damaged through decay or gum disease (a disease to the gums that happens just like tooth decay). This form of dentistry consists of dental services such as teeth whitening, same-day crowns, root canal therapy and tooth-colored fillings. There are many dental patients that will get dental veneers—also known as “porcelain veneers”—to restore their smile. This is a dental service where the top layer of your teeth is taken off and replaced with a perfect, white tooth shell. However, once that part of your natural tooth is taken off, you can’t get that natural part back. Porcelain veneers do make your smile look beautiful, but they don’t change your crooked teeth or oral health issues underneath.


Fixing the Problem with Orthodontic Treatment

Fixing the problem permanently is a great solution to getting a beautiful smile and reducing your problems with tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath and more. Straighter smiles are ones that are easier to clean and ones that look attractive and healthy. Plus, once you straighten your smile with orthodontic treatment, it can stay that way for life. Orthodontics is different than dentistry, but is absolutely important to your oral health.


Dentists will fix problems with tooth decay and gum disease. Orthodontic treatment and restorative dentistry through those braces can help prevent problems in the first place. Plus, orthodontic braces are able to correct bite and alignment issues that are caused by misaligned bites and jaws. Those issues can cause speech and development problems without intervention. Without orthodontic treatment, other restorative dentistry methods can only do so much.


Close-up view of a woman's mouth as she is putting in transparent orthodontic aligners.

Restorative Dentistry for You

Our easiest method of restorative dentistry for teens and adults is through Invisalign treatment. This option works just as well as our lingual braces, ceramic braces and traditional metal braces. However, with Invisalign, the focus is on aesthetics as well as straightening. We want you to have a beautiful smile as you straighten, and Invisalign is a great way to achieve that.


Invisalign is a orthodontic treatment that is designed to be virtually unnoticeable on your teeth. Patients have their teeth digitally scanned in-office and a treatment plan is made for them, mapping out how orthodontic treatment will transform their smile in 18 months or less. Often, patients can straighten their smile in 1/3rd of that time, depending on the condition of the teeth, bite and alignment. Less office visits are typically needed for this type of restorative dentistry.


You simply wear your aligners for 20-22 hours each day (and overnight), and by switching out the aligners each week, your teeth shift into a straight smile over time. The benefit of this restorative dentistry option is that you are actually fixing the root cause of oral health problems. Crooked teeth cause tooth decay and gum disease to worsen, but you avoid that with a straight smile. With other restorative dentistry options (such as teeth whitening or veneers), you will still have the crooked teeth (although masked), and possibly the dental problems. Avoid all that while still getting a beautiful smile with Invisalign. If you want to learn more about this restorative dentistry option for adults and teens, contact Belmar Orthodontics today at (303) 233-2445!

October 11, 2018|

Are Transparent Aligners (Invisalign) Right for You?

transparent aligners

Let transparent aligners work their magic and straighten your teeth without metal brackets! The orthodontists at Belmar Orthodontics can offer you the versatility of Invisalign treatments to straighten your teeth and give you something to smile about. Many people will have braces during their lifetime, but many others will opt not to have them because they don’t want a mouth full of metal. Maybe you are a professional in the workplace and can’t imagine attending work or events because of your braces. Whether you’re a teen wanting to straighten your smile or an adult that wants more confidence, Invisalign treatment may be right for you. Invisalign is a clear, removable aligner system developed to help straighten your teeth, but with the freedom and ability to remove the aligners when you want or need to. The best part…they’re invisible! Check out what Invisalign can do for you and why this teeth-straightening system is becoming more and more popular.


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a transparent aligner system developed to give adults and adolescents more options when it comes to straightening their teeth. According to the makers of Invisalign themselves, their transparent aligners have been found to be the most advanced orthodontic system you can find. A mold is taken of your teeth just as it would be for traditional metal braces. Those molds then go to a special lab where transparent, sturdy aligners will be custom-made for your mouth over the course of your treatment. You will go through a series of transparent aligners (usually 18-30 depending on your mouth and individual straightening needs) that will be sent to you. These will gradually shift your teeth until they are aligned perfectly. The transparent aligners are designed to correct problems with crowding, spacing, overbite, underbite and deep bite as well.

With any straightening system, the teeth need to have light pressure enacted on them pretty constantly for teeth to come into proper position. You will wear your custom aligners for 20-22 hours a day for 2-3 weeks at a time. Then you will receive new transparent aligners to gently move your teeth into an even straighter position. Repeat that a few times and viola! Your teeth will be straight. Most patients only need the transparent aligners for 9-15 months, and the time to straighter teeth with Invisalign can sometimes be less than traditional braces would take to straighten.


Is Invisalign Right for Me?

Studies show that of the millions of people in the U.S. with braces, about 25% of them are adults. If you are a teen looking for options besides traditional braces, or a more professional-looking option for teeth straightening as an adult, Invisalign is your best choice for incognito straightening. Invisalign is a highly popular option with adults, as they can straighten their teeth without anyone else knowing, which is especially beneficial in the workplace. If you opt for Invisalign, you will still be able to keep your oral hygiene regime simple and manageable without worrying about meticulously cleaning metal brackets. If you are a teen looking into Invisalign, one of the best perks Invisalign can give you is less time and hassle with cleaning. Invisalign aligners can easily be removed, are easier to clean, and typically require less office visits, saving you time when you’re on the go.  If you want a straighter smile without any added stress in your life, the transparent aligners the Invisalign system utilizes may be right for you.


How Do I Benefit from Invisalign?

Studies have shown that those who have straighter teeth tend to be more confident in their day-to-day life, especially in their interactions with others. Those with straighter teeth are perceived by their peers and coworkers as more successful, confident, trustworthy and attractive. Studies show that a straighter smile can even land you a job quicker compared to someone who has a crooked smile. There are many amazing benefits to a straight set of pearly whites, and all lead to greater success in home, school and professional life. If for no other reason than aesthetic appeal, Invisalign is your top choice for transforming your smile discreetly while living your life normally. The average patient satisfaction rate tops the scales at around 96% of patients highly satisfied with their transparent aligners Invisalign treatment. The average time for straightening is about 1 year in most users, which is typically less than the average traditional braces wearer (also a plus).

Invisalign is a tried-and-true method for straightening teeth discreetly and at your leisure. Whether you’re a first-timer with braces or just want to get your smile a little bit straighter, Invisalign might be right for you. The transparent aligners we offer can give you the confidence you seek while shaping the straight, beautiful smile you desire. Call Belmar Orthodontics today at (303) 233-2445 for your free consultation or to learn more about our teeth straightening options. A brighter, straighter smile is just a simple phone call away!

April 28, 2017|
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